Ok, I don't know if anyone is really reading this anymore, but it is still fun to write and pretend that people are reading, so I will do it anyway! :) I like to try and update everyone on the kids and all the weird things that go on in my head, but time gets away from me sometimes, you know? Can I hear it from all the moms who have "mom-brain"? For anyone who doesn't know, that means that after you give birth, millions of brain cells are destroyed on a daily basis from being overloaded with things to keep track of. That is why there are so many moms in sweatpants at Wal-Mart...to which I say, "Hey! At least they are wearing clothes!" I seriously dropped my kids off at my mom's house this morning before work and as I walked back to the car to drive to work I had a freakish moment where I absolutely didn't know what I was doing. I'm serious. I really didn't know why I was standing next to my car in my parents driveway. Pretty scary, hu? It may happen to you, too, someday, so don't feel so smug.
So here is a great Isaac moment from yesterday. We went to the lovely new Bonner Springs pool for the very first time even though technically it has been "new" for 3 years now and I just wasn't brave enough to take my kids (with them being so little). But I decided that it was time to go for it...Isaac absolutely loved it and so did Elizabeth. It has a zero-entry kids pool with tons of water spraying everywhere. I swear I was almost giddy with excitement. I was splashing around just like the toddlers. I met some friends there and since we have toddlers we could go early and only pay $1 per person. What a bargain!!! :) To anyone out there who lives close to Bonner...go check out the pool. It is great! So anyway, back to the "Isaac moment". I ran into a lady that hadn't seen me since I was about 12. We were catching up and I introduced her to Elizabeth (who I was holding) and then pointed out at the water where Isaac was standing and at the exact moment that I said "that is my son, Isaac" he pulled down his pants, whipped it out, and peed right in the pool as many horrified mothers with babies looked on. Of course Isaac thought he was like the coolest kid in the world and his little 4 year old buddies also started laughing with him and one even high-fived him. I was a bit embarassed, but for the most part thought it was funny. Of course, since other mothers were looking on, I put on my "stern" face and scolded him harshly, making him sit on the sidelines for awhile. Was I scared to go back in the pool? No way! Chlorine kills everything....