Monday, November 19, 2007


Well, my baby girl is turning 2 in just a few days. It is a little sad, really. I think about my baby walking around, talking, and running around with the big kids. She doesn't act like a baby at all. In many ways, that is good. I obviously want to see her mature and learn new things. I don't really want her to remain a baby. But, I think every mother knows what I am talking about when I say that sometimes, you just get that ache to hold a baby, or maybe throw caution to the wind and see if you can get pregnant one more time. Realistically, I don't want to have any more children. They are expensive and Jarod and I want to retire before we are 90. But oh, if I were rich and had a nanny... I guess it won't do me any good to think about all the "what ifs" I should just enjoy what I have...which is a wonderful husband and 2 healthy, beautiful children!

Now, totally changing direction...we actually had Elizabeth's birthday party a couple of weeks ago since her birthday is right around Thanksgiving. I have included some pictures from her party...enjoy!

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