Monday, August 11, 2008

6 Random Things About Myself!

Well, my friend Trish sent me this assignment...although I don't think I will "tag" anyone...if someone wants to do it...just do it! :)

Here are the rules:
1) Link to the person who tagged you
2) Post the rules on your blog (this is what you are now reading)
3) Write 6 random things about yourself (see below)
4) Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
5) Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6) Let the tagger know when your entry or post is up.

6 Random Things About Me:

1) I once saw Richard Simmons at the Newark, NJ airport. He was prancing through the airport in spangly shorts and a spangly tanktop-seriously! :) I tried to get a picture, but my camera was packed away in my luggage and I couldn't get to it fast enough.

2) I think a lot of you know, but I am currently going back to college to become a nurse. I have to take 4 classes this year and then will quit my job and go to nursing school full-time. We are also moving into my parents finished basement while I do this so that we can save money and pay for school without any loans. :) Scary!

3) Although most of you know me as very loud and social, I actually enjoy being by myself very much. Give me a good book or let me reorganize my house for days on end and I am in heaven.

4) My two children were born only 17 months apart. At Isaac's first birthday party I was already wearing a maternity top. Sort of embarassing really! :)

5) My husband Jarod proposed to me on our second date. I told him he was crazy. A month later he proposed again and I said yes. We have been married for almost 7 years and I am still crazy about him. He is a wonderful husband and father!

6) I have been out of the country 4 times. Twice to Switzerland (and several nearby countries). Once to England and once to Haiti. I love to travel and as soon as I am done with nursing school Jarod and I will be going on a celebration trip out of the country!!! Probably to visit Ariane in Switzerland again...

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